PREXISO P80 7885089ENSafety InstructionsThe person responsible for the instrument must ensure that all users understand these directions and adhere to
PREXISO P80 788508Safety Instructions10ENAreas of responsibilityResponsibilities of the manufacturer of the original equipment: Prexiso AGEuropastrass
PREXISO P80 788508Safety Instructions11ENLabellingSubject to change (drawings, descriptions and technical data) without prior notice.Laser RadiationDo
PREXISO P80 7885081ENTable of ContentsInstrument Set-up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2Overview - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREXISO P80 7885082ENInstrument Set-upOverviewThe safety instructions and the user manual should be read through carefully before the product is used
PREXISO P80 7885083ENOperationsSwitching ON/OFF Clear Message CodesONDevice is turned OFF.2 seciIf no key is pressed for 180 sec, the device switches
PREXISO P80 7885084ENMeasuring FunctionsMeasuring single distance1Aim active laser at target.28.532 m8.532 m3iTarget surfaces: Measuring errors can oc
PREXISO P80 788508Measuring Functions5ENArea12Aim laser at first target point.34Aim laser at second target point.24.352 m25iThe result is shown in the
PREXISO P80 788508Measuring Functions6ENPythagoras (2-point)3 x12Aim laser at upper point.34Aim laser rectangular at lower point.8.294 m5iThe result i
PREXISO P80 788508Measuring Functions7ENMemory (last 10 values)8.294 mLast 10 values are displayed.18.294 m2Navigates back through last 10 values.2 se
PREXISO P80 7885088ENTechnical Data* maximum deviation occurs under unfavourable conditions such as bright sunlight or when measuring to poorly reflec
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